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GREPECAS has a new presidency

Wagner Marques - Marketing & Comunicação

Da esq. par a dir.: Diretor Regional da Organização da Aviação Civil Internacional (AOCI)- México, Melvin Cintron, Diretor do Instituto Dominicano de Aviação Civil (IDAC)- República Dominicana, Héctor Porcella, Presidente do GREPECAS, Brigadeiro Alessander de Andrade Santoro e Diretor Regional da OACI, Fabio Rabbani.

The Head of the Technical Subdepartment (SDTE) of the Department of Airspace Control (DECEA), Brigadier Engineer Alessander de Andrade Santoro was elected the new President of the Regional Planning and Implementation Group for the Caribbean and South America (GREPECAS). He will lead the organization for the next three years.

The election took place during the 20th edition of the entity's Meeting held from November 16 to 18 at the Air Force Military Convention and Accommodation Center (CEMCOHA) in Salvador, Bahia. Saipher ATC, one of the sponsors of the event, congratulates Brigadier Santoro and wishes him success in his new mission.

About the new president of GREPECAS

Brigadier Engineer Alessander de Andrade Santoro was Director of the Aeronautical Cartography Institute (ICA), Deputy of the Technical Subdepartment, Head of the Technology and Information Security Division at DECEA, Deputy of the Measurement and Special Equipment Section and Head of the Radiomonitoring Subsection of the Special Flight Inspection Group (GEIV). He is currently in charge of DECEA's Technical sub-department.


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